
演 講 者:謝弘道 博士

演講主題:The advantage of next generation wireless network system,


11ax is a dual band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) WiFi system. Comparing with 11ac, 11ax can serve more stations(STAs) at the same time and provide higher downlink(DL)/uplink (UL)PHY rate. For 4x4 BW160 11ax system, the max total STA number is 74 and the PHY rate already can achieve 4.8Gbps. 11ax also consider the jointly MAC/PHY cross layer design which could serve the long range and low power consuming device.


Hung-Tao Hsieh received the Ph.D. degrees in institute of Communications Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu, Taiwan, in 2011. He is currently with Mediatek Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan, as an WiFi BBP communication system algorithm designer.

演 講 者:張英傑 Jackie 台灣區總經理

演講主題:改變連結世界的浪潮來襲 - 淺談開放網路(Open Networking)



在當今地球村的現代化世界,人們對於網路的速度需求越來越大,因此一旦 5G 逐漸普及,許多需要更快下載速度的服務與應用也會迅速流行面對即將到來的多樣化的科技應用,將環繞在網路傳輸速度大幅提昇的5G網路上進行,包含物聯網(IoT)、人工智慧(AI)、4K/8K影像傳輸與邊緣運算(Edge Computing) 。

5G網路面對的挑戰,除了提供穩定,高頻寬與低延遲的網路使用體驗,面對嚴峻的競爭環境與服務為導向的快速商務模式,電信運營商面對因為服務擴充而需要依照業務成長而進行快速彈性得基礎網路佈建,必須跳離以往傳統網路架構配置予因為軟硬體綁定而產生高額的資本資出與後續維運成本支出 。

新一代開放式網路(Open Networking)解耦了以往傳統網路的模式,將軟硬體真正解構,賦予電信運營商因為開放架構而擁有更多機房自主與自由度,以期達成軟硬體解耦(DISAGGREGATION),並使用SDN技術增強按需調度和分 配網路資源的能力,實現跨Data Center連接功能,真正達成電信運營商網路網路系統自主與系統/網路真正整合,以期提高營運效率與增加維運彈性 。

在本分享中,我們將介紹Open Networking 在開放網路電信等級之解決方案與成功案例應用情境,包含

  1. Data Center Network / White-Box SDN Switch
  2. 與5G基站息息相關之Cell Cite Router
  3. 次世代光纖傳輸骨幹之Open Modular Packet Transponder
  4. 與xPON 相輔相成之vOLT
  5. 應用一統且多工使用之uCPE



樹德科技大學資訊工程研究所碩士畢業,智邦集團傳易科技總經理,智邦集團鈺程科技(AWB , Accton WiMAX 子公司)亞太區協理,智邦科技越南分公司總經理。現任智邦科技執行長特助,鈺登科技台灣區總經理,智宇生醫總經理。

演 講 者:丁邦安Pang-An Ting博士

演講主題:Introduction to ITRI NB-IOT Small Cell Technology


IoT Analystics foresees that the active global IoT connections grow from 7 Billion in 2018 to 22 Billion in 2025, and Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) are expected to be a key growth driver, meanwhile, LoRa and NB-IoT are the current market leaders. These technologies provide low-power, low data-rate communication over long distances or from deep indoor environments, enabling battery-operated devices to operate for up to 10 years without any human intervention. The NB-IoT technology focuses specifically on indoor coverage, low cost (under $5 per module), long battery life (very low power consumptions and hence extends battery life to 10 years ), and high connection density (50K connections per cell, supports about 40 devices per household ). It uses a subset of the LTE standard, but limits the bandwidth to a single narrow-band of 200kHz. ITRI has been developing a compact and flexible NB-IoT small cell, which provides a conformance of 3gpp specification, PHY/MAC/RLC/EPC-lite layer stacks integrity, x86 platform implementation, and small cell forum FAP/nFPAI interface. In this talk, an overview of ITRI NB-IoT small cell including system architecture, hardware/software partition, PHY-MAC interface and field trials are presented. In addition, this presentation also would like to introduce L2/L3 protocol stack and implementation of the NB-IoT small cell base station (evolved Node B, eNB) developed by ICL. The content includes the software architecture of the eNB, and the corresponding Layer 3 RRM/RRC and Layer 2 PDCP/RLC/MAC software. It also covers the interface interacting L1 layer refers to the nFAPI specification launched by Small Cell Forum, and provides Lite C-SGN and diverse message log information for debugging and testing.


Pangan Ting received the B.S. degree from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1991, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at the Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1994 and 2006, respectively. In August 1995, he joined Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsinchu, Taiwan, used to be engineer, principle engineer, manager and director. His research interests are in the areas of wireless communications, statistic signal processing, and VLSI signal processing. He has been working on chip designs of WiFi baseband ASIC, WCDMA baseband ASIC and WiMAX baseband ASIC since 1995, and currently is in charging of ITRI’s R&D activities on LTE-A small cell technologies development, including baseband and protocol stack, as well as 3GPP RAN1/RAN2 standard participation.

演 講 者:歐陽良昱 博士

演講主題:Introduction to Radar Target Recognition


In this short talk, methods and techniques of radar target recognition will be concisely introduced. Specifically, a practically-realizable micro-Doppler experiment is designed, conducted, and demonstrated. The cost-effective experimental setup is composed of signal generator, spectrum analyzer, antennas, and targets with micro-Doppler effects implemented by rotating metallic rods controlled via a stepper motor. For real-time computation, three robust and easily-extracted micro-Doppler signatures are adopted and further combined to provide more accurate recognition results. The experimental result shows that the deviation between theory and measurement is merely 4%. This work can also provide guidelines for radar resource management. Finally, a brief conclusion and future work will be given in this session.


Liang-Yu Ou Yang was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan, on December, 1984. He received the B.S. degree in electrophysics from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2007 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electro-optical engineering and communication engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2009 and 2015, respectively. Currently, he is served as an assistant researcher in National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology. His research interests include polarimetric Doppler radar, radar automatic target recognition, application of periodic structures in phase array design, and metamaterial-based radar.

演 講 者:張式先Philip Chang 資深專案經理

演講主題:5G NR Physical Layer and Analysis


隨著5G標準的逐步明朗,5G商用/先期商用已近在咫尺。今年6月14日5G NR獨立組網標準凍結,5G第一階段全功能標準化工作完成,產業也進入全面衝刺的新階段。 各大運營商、行動晶片廠商和手機廠商等各方均在加快5G商用部署的腳步,為5G終端的到來打下強而有力的基礎。同時,5G手機發展進度的消息也逐漸露出,無線通訊行業進入產品研發、測試和生產的新階段已毋庸置疑。 本講題Keysight將就5G NR現況、所面臨的挑戰與測試方案進行剖析。

張式先 (Philip) 先生於1990年畢業於東海大學物理系,1992年獲得成功大學交通管理科學所工程組碩士學位,並於1999年加入台灣惠普科技股份有限公司,及其後公司分家之台灣安捷倫科技股份有限公司及現在的台灣是德科技股份有限公司,目前隸屬於台灣應用工程部門資深專案經理,主要負責無線通訊系統綜合測試儀、頻譜及信號分析儀、信號產生器等產品以及客制化客戶需求之解決方案,包含儀器、系統解決方案的建構、使用與障礙排除之支援。

在職位上,負責所有無線通訊、EMC、AD及新一代5G通訊領域相關之技術與應用,包括無線通訊界之2G、3G、4G及下一代5G通訊標準,以及datacomm領域之Bluetooth、WiFi、Zigbee、NFC、GNSS、DVB、IoT及超高頻微波通訊毫米波訊號量測與分析,多年來親自經手與設計大型認證系統如EMC、DVB-T/H RF Performance、NFC、Femtocell認證測試及RFIC測試系統。

演 講 者:張永昌 博士






演 講 者:劉榮宗Richard Liu 總經理

演講主題:Test Solutions for Current Communications and Radar


New radio technology, new spectrum including mmWave and broadband sub-6 GHz and with new active array antenna technology rich the current communication and Radar applications. The Radiation performance tests are based on same principles but More accurate plane wave generation or synthesis are required. Accurate compact ranges are more and more being used for testing. Antenna in package testing also is a new requirement. Test solutions will be introduced.



演 講 者:林炫佑 副執行長





林炫佑博士畢業於國立中正大學電機工程研究所通訊系統組,現職為財團法人電信技術中心副執行長,其科技專長為行動通訊訊號處理、系統規劃、優化、可靠度與安全分析。林博士曾經任職電信運營商,具備2G/ 3G/4G網路規畫、運營及優化等實務經驗。此外,林博士也長期主持國家通訊播委員會等政府部門所委託有關行動寬頻網路效能及物聯網資安等大型研究專案。

演 講 者:程昭團 Jonathan Cheng 專案副理

演講主題:相位天線基本原理與量測(MS4644B-040 including TMY solution)


隨著5G NR (new radio)步入mmWave 的頻段,由於高頻訊號的自由空間損耗也遠大於4G LTE/Sub-6 GHz, 陣列形式也將是5G NR 天線設計的必然選擇, 本篇簡短的報告將分享如何要考慮PCB 上的各項損耗(介電損耗, 導體損耗, 厚度與粗糙度損耗)及常見的量測方法, 以確認所使用的板材與lay-out 適合用在5G NR 中的mmWave 頻段陣列天線上。
Part of 5G NR (new radio) bands is assigned to 28 GHz/39 GHz as mmWave band. Not only open space loss but also PCB material loss on this band is much more than signal transmitting with 4G LTE/Sub-6 GHz frequencies. How to choice the PCB material for mWave antenna, especially with array designs is the bottleneck of 5G antenna and circuit manufacturing. I would like to share how to estimate the PCB losses from dielectric loss, conductor loss and substrate/Metal loss. I will also introduce few common ways to measure these losses.



演 講 者:林健維 先生
      NSI-MI Technologies 伯堅股份有限公司

演講主題:New Powerful RF Vector Field Analyzer for Advanced Antenna
     Test Range Solutions


The Vector Field Analyzer™ provides the RF performance characteristics most desirable for measuring electromagnetic fields. In these measurements, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is a key characteristic to determining uncertainty and measurement speed. The inherently low noise floor of the Vector Field Analyzer™ provides high SNR, resulting in more accurate measurements. Its low noise floor also allows the use of wider IF bandwidths than other instruments for a given SNR. With a 10 dB lower inherent noise floor, a factor of 10 times wider IF bandwidth can be used, resulting in 10 times faster measurement speed. The superior dynamic range and sensitivity of the Vector Field Analyzer™ significantly enhances flexibility and productivity for test ranges.


Ike (Jiahn Wei) Lin, received B.S. and M.S. degrees of Physic in 1983 and 1985, respectively from National Central University, Taiwan. Had served as a research specialist in various phased array antenna development and qualification programs by applying near-field antenna measurement metrology at Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST), during 1985 to 2002. Was with WavePro Inc. since January 1st, 2003 till June 30, 2015, having focused on implementing automated far-field/near-field antenna measurement facilities using NSI based near-field measurement technology & solutions and been actively supporting academic institutes and wireless industry manufacturers building up knowledge and appropriate measurement range solutions for the antenna performance characterization of wireless and microwave antenna devices in Taiwan. Having been co-fonder of WaveFidelity Inc. in 2017, currently also supports NSI-MI Technologies, as Applications Specialist on global demands of projects promotion, implementation, validation, and training requirements. Only recently completed the validation program of the largest horizontal planar nearfield system in Taiwan for NCSIST, including 50GHz mmWave measurement feature upgrade and digital beamforming antenna/AESA calibration/optimization feature implementation. Also completed the high accuracy W-band Planar nearfield measurement system at UMT Taiwan.

演 講 者:彭建賓 亞太區總監
      Voyantic, 建儒實業有限公司

演講主題:Beyond Simple Identification - Developments in UHF RFID


本演講有三大主題: 1.被動式超高頻電子標籤靈敏度(Passive UHF Tag Sensitivity)的演進以及標籤靈敏度和標籤讀取距離之關係2.介紹RFID感測標籤(Sensor Tag)種類和感測標籤量測的概況 3.電子標籤認證(Tag Authentication)之目的和標籤加密認證對標籤性能的影響。


彭建賓 (Smoos Peng) 先生於2008創立建儒實業有限公司 METAG Corporation,目前公司成員共計5名。2009年從芬蘭引進Voyantic RFID量測解決方案至台灣,2011年成功將Voyantic產品推廣到中國大陸市場,2014年Voyantic指派彭先生擔任該公司在亞太地區營運總監APAC Director,負責開發亞洲市場及管理經銷通路。